Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Piece: The Hall of Fire

It took me a while to get the colors right on this piece as well as the overall design. I must admit that when I first read The Hobbit and learned about Rivendell, my initial visualization was more like the Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone National Park. Being from the American west, it was the first idea that came to mind.

But then along came Peter Jackson (and John Howe and Alan Lee) and the whole concept of Rivendell changed for me. It became far more ethereal under their combined influence, and to be honest, it is pretty ... but not quite as I would imagine it.

After this overload of Rivendell visions, I struggled coming up with a design for my favorite place in Rivendell ... The Hall of Fire. Visitors and Elves gathered there in the evenings for song and story telling and I thought that it was important to not only portray the pillars that Tolkien mentions, but also come up with a place for those activities to happen which is why the floor contains a seating in the round. My bow to the ethereal  comes with the canopy of stars overhead and my homage to the original Old Faithful vision was to make the pillars come from nature and the wooden tree trunks.

Many (most) of the colors used (another marker and ink medium piece) were 'washed' with several other colors until I had what I wanted. Here then is The Hall of Fire.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Getting Started

Well ... here goes nothin'. I have been thinking about putting a blog at Rabbit Ridge Art (RRA) for quite some time but I am not someone given to small talk and thought it would be a waste. From other artistic friends, however, I am beginning to see the light and the benefits of open brainstorming and jotting down thoughts on artistic subject matter and mediums and technique. So ... now I'm afraid you're stuck with me for better or worse.

Yesterday I re-worked the Home Page at RRA for 2011. Actually got all of my work to this date categorized and up for sale and streamlined the HP assortment and visual look with a couple of new (less busy) graphics. Still need to delete those items (cards, stationery, and posters) that I will no longer produce or sell. That shouldn't take long. Take a look and see what you think ...

Am working on a new series based on Tolkien's The Hobbit. Am finding it a little tougher to get inspired than I always am with his The Lord of the Rings. Am hoping to get 12 pieces done for a 2012 Middle-earth calendar. LOL ... we'll see. Here's a sample to start. Medium is marker and ink ...


Am thoroughly enjoying the surreal form format done with the french curve forms. Above is titled simply Middle-earth, and below, here is Smaug ...


Will add them to RRA with a teaser that they will be available soon.

First blog done ... more to come. :-)